Addtech creates value by supporting our customers in sustainable development

We work to:

  • support our customers in their development towards more sustainable operations
  • generate value for our suppliers and ensure they develop within sustainability and meet the requirements in our Supplier Code of Conduct
  • generate long-term value for shareholders and investors together with continuously improving our results and reporting with regard to sustainability.

The requirements and demand for sustainable technical solutions are constantly growing, generating business opportunities for Addtech, as well as value for our customers, suppliers and for society in general. Our companies work for long-term relationships with suppliers that develop over time. We support our suppliers to develop in sustainability and for them to live up to the requirements of our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Daily our companies support customers by identify the best and most sustainable technical solutions. This entails both improving our customers’ business and contributing to various societal benefits, such as more energy-efficient transport and processes, production of renewable sources, cleaner emissions and safer workplaces.

By working integrated and systematic with sustainability, we create long-term value for our owners.